天能The Reaping 完整版本《2007 BLURAY 在线观看电影

The Reaping~在线 完整版 [新电影-2007]在线看 天能

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Katherine Morrissey, a former Christian missionary, lost her faith after the tragic deaths of her family. Now she applies her expertise to debunking religious phenomena. When a series of biblical plagues overrun a small town, Katherine arrives to prove that a supernatural force is not behind the occurrences, but soon finds that science cannot explain what is happening. Instead, she must regain her faith to combat the evil that waits in a Louisiana swamp. The Reaping 几时上映马来西亚, The Reaping 加拿大, The Reaping 几时上映新加坡, The Reaping幾時上映, The Reaping 公開, The Reaping 完結篇 線上看, The Reaping 開眼, The Reaping 奇摩, The Reaping 級別, The Reaping 李宛妲,The Reaping 李小龍, The Reaping 墨尔本, The Reaping movie, The Reaping momovod,The Reaping online, The Reaping 票房, The Reaping 评价, The Reaping 2007磅礡完結

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The Reaping天能決線上看2007完整版 The Reaping天能(2007,完整版)線上看 The Reaping天能2007 完整版小鴨 — 線上看2007 【The Reaping天能】-線上看小鴨 完整版[2007-HD]〜[可玩]免費下載高清|1080P|-全高清高清电影-在线观看 The Reaping天能 完整版本-(2007-HD )-1080P 完整版 [2007,HD] The Reaping天能 [电影]~The Reaping 2007】 完整版本 裸監督(CHINESE-新加坡版)線上看HD
详细信息 The Reaping
已发行 : 2007-04-05
语言 :Español, English
发布日期 : 2007-04-05
运行 : 99 Minutes
类型 : Horror
星星 : Hilary Swank, David Morrissey, Idris Elba, AnnaSophia Robb, Stephen Rea, Andrea Frankle, William Ragsdale, John McConnell, David Jensen, Yvonne Landry
船员姓名 : Stephen Hopkins, Peter Levy, Robert Zemeckis, Joel Silver, Lora Kennedy, Jeffrey Kurland, Dane A. Davis, Curtis Lindersmith, Roland N. Thai, Colby Parker Jr.
导向器 : Dark Castle Entertainment, Chime Films, Eyetronics, Village Roadshow Pictures, Warner Bros. Pictures
官方网站 : http://www.thereapingmovie.com
预算 : $40,000,000
累计世界总收入: $62,771,059
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